Libby Heaney
Former Somerset House Studios resident

Libby Heaney

Dr Libby Heaney is an award winning British visual artist with a PhD & professional research background in Quantum Information Science.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

In 2015 Heaney graduated from Central St. Martins, London with a focus on AI and hybrid digital-physical works. Since 2019, Heaney has been entangling quantum computing with digital art through her self-written quantum code, games engine technology, video and image making. In exhibitions, Heaney's quantum art jostles with physical elements such as slimy glass sculptures, watercolour paintings & fabric tentacles, creating sensuous worlds that not only speak to the entanglement of the virtual & physical, but also of the past, present & future, body & mind and the human & machine.

Libby Heaney,Q is for Climate 2023, installation view

Currently, Heaney is making a body of work that entangles quantum physics with personal trauma, embodied memory and ghosts. In 2022, Heaney won the Lumen Prize and Falling Walls Art & Science award and she is currently a resident of Somerset House Studios in London.

Heaney has exhibited at major institutions and museums in the UK and internationally such as Ars Electronica, Linz; Tate Modern & V&A , London including solo exhibitions and performances at arebyte Gallery, London; Sonar Festival, Barcelona; Southbank Centre, London and LAS Art Foundation, Berlin.  As a scientist Heaney worked at the University of Oxford and National University of Singapore, publishing 20 physics papers in top peer reviewed international journals. She was the recipient of the HSBC and Institute of Physics, Very Early Woman in Physics Award.